Astrology is..

So much more than what most have come to understand it as, Astrology on its own is a deep understanding of our connection to a DIVINE PURPOSE.  A simple reading of a natal chart (by a qualified Astrologer) provides a wealth of information to who we are mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even yes, physically.

Evolutionary Astrology takes it even further by showing us the road map of what and how we, at a soul level, intended to learn in this lifetime.  This includes the subconscious wounding we would need to evolve from, as well as the obstacles we would have to face as part of this.

Many are awakening to the true nature of reality, quite simply explained through the Law of Attraction.  The Law of Attraction states that we create our realities through the thoughts and emotions we carry, both consciously and subconsciously.

Simple right?  Well, not so fast.  While it is relatively easy to consciously shift our thoughts, it is much harder to do so with those running at a subconscious level, the whole basis of which is that we are not aware of them.

While there are a number of ways to address this, Evolutionary Astrology serves as one ‘vehicle’ of exploration to better understand the programs running within us at a subconscious, and sometimes even unconscious level. It is important to know that EVERYTHING that takes place in our lives is there to assist us on our journey, no matter how difficult the situation or circumstances appear. Each one of us came here with a unique purpose, a special mission to carry out, one that Evolutionary Astrology can provide us with the blueprint of. The more we awaken to our divine connection to this purpose, learning to take the cards we were each given at birth and make them work to our benefit (rather than our detriment), the more we open up to the magical beauty of what life truly is.

There will always be challenges and obstacles on our path, however it is our response to them that is key; and this has quite a lot to do with our level of consciousness (or ability to see that everything is a reflection of what we are attracting in or part of a karmic cycle that needs to play itself out).

If you are going through a difficult time in your life, consider Evolutionary Astrology as one of the means to better navigate your circumstances so that you are not only learning to survive, but THRIVE.

For more information on how a consultation can assist you, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Astrology is not..

It is my belief that an Astrologer’s purpose is to ‘tune into’ the energetic imprint of a client in order to better understand their subconscious patterning which aids or blocks their ability to successfully manifest their desires into their lives.

As such, it is also my belief that it is not intended to be used for predictive purposes, apart from the themes, tests and challenges that are being presented to the client, as well as periods of ‘flow states’ that boosts a client’s ability to manifest.

The whole point being that the client is responsible for manifesting their dreams into reality and not the Astrologer’s role to pre-define what is possible.  Afterall, anything is possible, yet it is up to each one of us to intrinsically believe it for it to manifest!

I, Lyra, attest to the Astrologer’s Oath.

The infinity of the sky has cohesion,
The astral planes reveal a logic,
To which nature fully resonates and aligns.
If few are initiated in this art of interpretation,
Of celestial science with existential meaning,
I am one.

I recognize the privilege and responsibility,
To serve humanity as an astrologer;
Be the channel between above and below;
Remain grounded, clear of prejudice, and open hearted.
Respectfully, gracefully, and truthfully,
I pledge to assist those who seek higher guidance;
Direct them to the space, the time, and the way,
As depicted in the map of geocosmic cycles.
I will enlighten them in the perspective
That despite trials and tribulations,
Their lives are intrinsic to an intelligent cosmic order.
These suggestions shall be made
To the best of my humble understanding,
Whether venerated or depreciated publically in this task.
I shall not falter, aware of the merit of this honorable calling.

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