
When it comes to Astrology, eclipses are a big deal.  Not only do they bring in powerful shifts into our lives (sometimes rather dramatic ones if we need a proverbial kick in the you know what), but so too do their energies affect us over the course of the 6 months after they occur. 


Eclipses occur every six months, typically coming in pairs (sometimes in sets of 3); yet always comprised of at least one SOLAR ECLIPSE (coinciding with a New Moon) and one LUNAR ECLIPSE (coinciding with a Full Moon).  They mark the ‘seed point’ of an eclipse cycle, the moon cycle(s) they fall in giving indication of what is to come at even deeper layers over the next 6 months.


If we use the analogy of a story unfolding, then, eclipses would be the Introduction, the stage being reset; the first 3 months, the buildup; the midpoint (or at the 3-month mark), a time of breakthroughs; and the remaining 3 months, the realization or wrap-up of ‘the story’.


For those that have read my article ‘A Deeper Understanding of Monthly Moon Cycles’, you will remember that I use the analogy of the 4 Phases of a seed sprouting to illustrate how monthly moon cycles work.  Similarly, we can use the same analogy to better understand eclipse cycles as well (as illustrated in the picture below).


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Eclipses mark ‘Month #1’ of an eclipse cycle; whereby the first 3 months tend to be the more ‘trying’ times of an eclipse cycle when it comes to changes we must make.  

By the time we reach the ‘midpoint’ of the eclipse (sometime between Month #3 and #4), we have enough momentum built up to complete the rest of the shifts the eclipses have called for (kind of like…’well, no going back now’ type of deal).  

By the end of Month #6, the full manifestation of what the eclipses called for come to full harvest; and as long as we have ‘done the work’ (aka ‘shadow work’) we should be noting significant upgrades in timelines we are aligning to (otherwise, finding ourselves repeating old karmic stories).

While some people are more affected than others by any given eclipse cycle (depending on the aspects made to a person’s Natal Chart), each and every one of us will be influenced by an eclipse and its themes; each one of us part of the lessons and upgrades that it brings.  By analyzing where and how an eclipse is taking place in reference to a chart, an Astrologer can provide insights to the lessons (or ‘upgrades) the querent will be experiencing over the next 6 months, with each New Moon cycle providing ‘mini-upgrades’ to get them to this point.  As such, Eclipses mark an exceptional time to schedule in an Astrological Consultation.

Regardless, each eclipse cycle carries a specific message for the collective at large and what will be unfolding over the next 6 months to come; where Solar Eclipses indicate energy coming in, and Lunar Eclipses, things being restructured or taken away.


Fun Facts on Eclipses…

  • Eclipse Season typically happen every 6 months, meaning in a given year, there are normally two Eclipse Seasons which last about a month.
  • Eclipse Seasons usually come with 2 eclipses, a Solar Eclipse (at the New Moon) and a Lunar Eclipse (at the Full Moon) two weeks later, or vice versa.  Sometimes an Eclipse cycle will come in a set of 3 eclipses.
  • Solar Eclipses give insights to what will be coming in, while Lunar Eclipses give insights of what will have to shift to allow space for what is coming in.
  • Although not Muslim myself, I was raised in the Middle East and have come to realize (after beginning my journey with Astrology) that Muslims have a special prayer at the time of eclipses.  
  • Eclipses cycle through the zodiac, meaning each sign will have ‘its time’ with eclipses about every 19 years, made up of about 4 Eclipse Seasons.
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