
There are a few reasons why the Cancer Lunar Eclipse of January 10th, 2020 is a rare and substantially powerful one – moreso than other eclipses, which always in themselves pack some punches to get us into alignment.

Pluto and Saturn meeting up in the sky. A transit that happens every 35 years or so, we have not felt this energy since November 1982. Saturn, the planet that rules structures in our lives, meeting up with Pluto, the planet all to do with transformation, will be bringing in some significantly powerful shifts to how we structure things in our lives, not only at an individual level (ie. family dynamics, career) but so too at a collective level (ie. government, businesses).

Jupiter meeting up with the South Node. This transit happens once every 12 years and brings in a ‘closing of chapters’ when it comes to belief systems and karmic cycles. We will be noticing a significant ending to chapters in our lives that began in July of 2012.

Uranus going Direct. At the same time that all this is going down, Uranus will be going direct in Taurus once again. Uranus went into this sign back in March of 2019, so we have had a little taste of this energy already. The last time it was in Taurus was in the 1930s, which a quick history search can show you exactly what was going on during that time. Uranus in Taurus brings in massive overhauls to what we value (ie. money, relationships). With it going direct after being retrograde since summer of 2019, this is quite powerful. And Uranus is all about expecting the sudden and the unexpected. Brace yourselves.

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