A Blessed Eclipse Midpoint!
We have now reached the Midpoint of the last set of Eclipses (happening at 2:04 PM US EST if we want to be exact), always marked by the Sun coming into square the Moon’s Nodes (around 3 Moon Cycles after the eclipses, give or take a few days). Eclipse midpoints mark a time of significant shifts and breakthroughs as to what was seeded at the time of the last set of Eclipses (similar to what a Full Moon brings two weeks after a New Moon, yet waaaaaaay more powerfully).
Psst…just as a sidenote, anyone following my work will know I take Eclipses and New Moon cycles quite seriously. So seriously that for any New Moon that comes up, I always connect it back to the last set of eclipses; and for every Full Moon, or for that matter, transit that comes up, I connect it back to the previous New Moon, as well as the previous set of eclipses. [I also do this with private Natal chart consultations too!]
So, what was seeded back at the last set of Eclipses?
For the sake of simplicity I will not be discussing the transits in-depth, but for those more Astrologically-minded that are reading this, do know that my interpretations come from these four charts (keeping in mind the Mercury in Aries Retrograde that was happening at that time as well):
3/10/24 Pisces New Moon
3/25/24 - Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
4/8/24 - Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse
4/24/24- Scorpio Full Moon
In a Nutshell:
This eclipse cycle, the 6 months from April to September (consisting of 6 Moon Cycles), would see major bifurcations. This is not only indicated on the above four charts, however was certainly symbolized by the fall of the Francis Scott Key Bridge during the first eclipse on March 25th (positioned no less on the Mason Dixon Line), as well as by the Path of Totality during the second eclipse on April 8th (which as we know, cut right across the middle of the US). And certainly, we have seen this. And, I would venture to say, on two levels:
3D vs 3D Bifurcations
For those still very much in 3D consciousness, more division across political party-lines, religion against religion, country against country, etc…..in a nutshell, any affiliation taking up sides against ‘another’. At an individual level, a false-sense of identity through group affiliations, unaware that ‘disturbances in the field’ are indications of ‘disturbances within themselves’.
3D versus 5D Birfurcations
While those in higher states of consciousness, choosing to do the ‘inner work’ to transmute the external separation happening in reality, by transmuting the inner separation occuring within themselves – knowing that the external is a reflection of something within them.
In regards to this post, I will be focusing on the latter, the separation between those heeding the call to go deeper within themselves, versus those not, as it is my assumption that people paying attention to Astrology are more inclined towards the ‘spiritual path’.
As mentioned, for the sake of simplicity, I will not be throwing in too much Astrological lingo, however a quick review of each of the eclipses (remembering they happen at New & Full Moons) helps jog the memory as well as put things in order:
- The March 10th Pisces New Moon, while not an eclipse, opened up the Moon cycle that the first eclipse would apply to. It was a transitionary New Moon, one that applied to the previous eclipse cycle (from October 14th to April 8th), yet also was giving the preliminary setup for the next eclipse cycle that would officially begin at the April 8th Solar Eclipse. As always with Pisces, and this one definitely no exception, a profound call inwards was advised, in preparation for what would be a ‘soft fork in the road’ at the March 25th Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (two weeks following the Pisces New Moon), where we would tangibly start noticing ‘cracks’ in relationship bonds that no longer applied to our journeys forward (no judgement).
- The Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 8th was EXACTLY CONJUNCT CHIRON, NOT ONLY TO THE DEGREE BUT TO THE MINUTE! Chiron represents our subtle, yet deepest wounds, our ‘Achilles Heel’, if you will. For those that don’t know the background of the ‘Achilles Heel’, suffice it to say that it represents a seemingly small weakness, often overlooked, compared to our overall strength, which in the end causes our downfall. It was at this time, with awareness of ‘noticeable cracks’ in relationship bonds, we were called into a period of profound self-reevaluation, in preparation for calls to make ‘hard splits’ or decisive cuts, with the Scorpio Full Moon on April 24th, two weeks after. With Neptune moving to 29° of Pisces at the Last Quarter Moon on May 1st, a stark bifurcation between those fixated in 3D mentalities versus drawn further into 5D.
Whatever was transpiring at this time (the Scorpio Full Moon on April 24th), remarkably customized to each one of our individual journeys, was there to say ‘it is NOW time to address the arrow that continues to be lodged in a wound that has somewhat figured out how to heal itself around it. It is time to take a deep breath in and finally pull it out so full healing can occur’…and from that a significantly more authentically-healed version of self could gradually begin to emerge (remember, the April 8th Aries Solar Eclipse called for a profound time of self-reevaluation, one that would apply to the ENTIRETY of this eclipse cycle….with breakthroughs starting to come through NOW, at the midpoint of the eclipse!).
While certainly potentially painful to admit that we were not as strong as we previously believed, or having to go back into our pasts, it was absolutely necessary to face for our journey into higher states of awareness and consciousness going forward.
Some heeded the call, ready to face these deep-rooted wounds, others doubled-down on false-states of security…choosing instead to dim their lights for the sake of maintaining ‘status quo’.
Psst…for those that cannot readily remember what was happening at that time, I would strongly recommend revisiting texts or emails that refreshen the memory, as it was a significant ‘fork in the road’ for the two trajectories. Just as a refresher, it was the time that all those protests ‘mysteriously’ popped up at universities across the US all at once (George Soros involvement anyone?). That then, gave the justification for new legislation to ban any Anti-Semitic protest; in essence, gaslighting those that are against Western support for the ongoing genocides taking place in Palestine (of course, creating even more spite and frustration between two dueling sides).
How we chose to respond, dictated our Trajectory…
At a personal level, we too would have been faced with several situations happening all at once, each attempting to ‘gaslight’ our own needs to be seen and heard by those we normally should be able to trust, and so a split in the road occurred…
Whereby some, said ‘no more, I am no longer complying or choosing to engage with this’, taking the harder road of drawing definitive lines in the sand, then turning inward to do the necessary inner work to reestablish a new sense of self-worth throughout the Taurus New Moon Cycle (from May 7th to June 6th). Stepping into the Gemini New Moon cycle (from June 6th to July 5th) with a greater protective guard around their thoughts and mindsets, willing to take things slowly in order to fortify mindsets that more aligned to situations that honored that renewed sense of self-worth. Approaching this Midpoint of the Eclipse with a keener sense of awareness of ‘all the moving parts’ as well as a greater sense of inner emotional foundation, not swayed as much by what is happening on the external. Operating more from POWER, rather than force; feeling into the flow of present moment awareness even more, with a knowing that all needs are and will be taken care of in just the right way, at just the right time (even if things are not currently ‘perfect’). Said simply… KEENLY ASTUTE OF A REDEFINED & MORE EMPOWERED SELF, with a greater sense of discernment of what aligns and does not align.
And others, overwhelmed by it all, succumbed to the pressure to settle, in attempts to achieve a more immediate sense of balance. Stepping into the Taurus New Moon cycle (from May 7th to June 6th) with a knowing that at some level they would have to sacrifice some elements that were previously important to them, compromising themselves for the sake of ‘group think’; then stepping into the Gemini New Moon cycle (from June 6th to July 5th), finding themselves ‘caught up’ in so much activity, gradually cutting off ties to those that would remind them of their more empowered former selves, further beheld to a false-sense of security of that ‘group think’, and consciously unaware of blurred principles. Emotionally bound and swayed, possibly even moreso than before, by what is going outside of themselves. Operating more from FORCE, rather than POWER, with more inner tension, anxiety and unease within the body, as minds are more fixated with a need to control outcomes, as well as with a need to compete to get what they need….unaware of their unconscious ways. Said simply…COMPROMISING, seeking validation outside of themselves.
So, what happens now? Are these trajectories ‘set in stone’?
Nothing is EVER set in stone, awakening can happen at any moment and in a blink of an instant, HOWEVER, surely the more fixated and entangled we are to external reality, the harder it becomes to disentangle ourselves.
With that said, even for those on the more ‘conscious’ trajectory, their still remains challenges up ahead over these next 3 months; yet they will have the built-up momentum to better support them through.
We now head into the Cancer New Moon on July 5th, and as always at this time, we will be challenged with upgrading our sense of inner emotional resolve, our emotional boundaries that support self-sovereignty and surely there will be QUITE a lot of tests involved (most especially to Power versus Force dynamics amidst tests of inner emotional resolve).
Transitionary Pisces New Moon cycle from Last Eclipse cycle to the Current One
March 10th Pisces New Moon
A profound call inwards; a time of deep introspection.
March 25th Libra Full Moon (LUNAR ECLIPSE)
With connections to the March 10th Pisces New Moon, the onset of ‘soft splits in the road; Initiation of bifurcating timelines.
Aries New Moon Cycle (April 8th-May 7th)
April 8th Aries New Moon (SOLAR ECLIPSE)
A profound period of self-reevaluation; the realization of all-too-familiar wounding and a choicepoint on whether to ‘do differently’ or doubledown on old behaviors.
April 24th Scorpio Full Moon
Decisive decisions to cut away what no longer serves, or merge ourselves even further in attempts to maintain ‘status quo’.
Taurus New Moon Cycle (May 7th-June 6th)
May 7th Taurus New Moon
A profound focus on the self, facing old wounding to properly heal and reestablish a renewed sense of self-worth
May 23rd Gemini Full Moon
The mental rewirings of a newly established sense of self-worth; a time of gradual ‘reengagement’ with the external world.
Gemini New Moon Cycle (June 6th-July 5th)
June 6th Gemini New Moon
A profound ‘Disciplining of the Mind’ to SLOW DOWN & OBSERVE as we continue the process of ‘reengagement’. A time of being ‘in between two worlds’ as paradigms begin the process of deconstructing to be reconstructed.
June 22nd (First of Two) Capricorn Full Moons
Part 1 of two ‘paradigm restructurings’. A period of transition to be tuned into intuitively, allowing things to flow, while being observantly discerning.
July 2nd… Midpoint of the Eclipse! Seeds-a-sprouting!
Thank you for showing us the last three months in so much detail. It helps to step away and view our experiences in this way. Also – love that graphic showcasing the masses arguing and the observer casually floating above in “zen”. Thank you for your work, Lyra. You are a great communicator.