
Photo Credit: Julia Caesar (@juliacaesar Unsplash.com)

Of course, I think it is common knowledge that menstrual cycles are a monthly phenomenon, very much coinciding with the monthly moon cycle. 

Throughout my ‘menstrual-having’ life, I have typically been quite a ‘regular 28-day cycle’ type of girl, with sprinkles of interferences within the force field here and there.  It wasn’t until I started studying Astrology that I started to link synchronicities in my life with planetary transits, and one most notably my menstrual cycle.

It was back in the Fall of 2018, when I started my Instagram Feed, that I first noticed disruptions in my cycle, at around the time of the Fall Equinox.  At that time, I am pretty sure I still had not correlated moon phases with my period, yet I certainly paid attention to the synchronicity that it was around the time of the Equinox.  Within a month after, things were back in sync with my typical 28-day cycle and over the course of the next 6 months, I noticed too that my periods came around the time of the Full Moon.

Fast forward to the Spring of 2019, and once again, the same irregularity started to happen weeks prior to the Spring Equinox, yet this time, my menstrual cycle switched to the New Moon cycle and within a month everything was back to a regular 28-day cycle.  It was at this time that I was certain that most (if not all) my past interferences to my cycle were most likely due to planetary shifts, bringing my awareness to the profundity of how synced up we women are with the universe – and of course, eventually playing into my decision to switch my Instagram Feed structure by the moon cycle months later.

Like clockwork, at each equinox, my period cycle switches; in the Fall, to the Full Moon; and in the Spring to the New Moon (so synced up that by the time of each, my period has completed).

A few weeks ago, around the time of the Summer Solstice, I received a message from a fellow follower asking if it was normal to experience menstrual fluctuations during solstices; that she and her friend were noting interferences to their normal cycles, something that had happened before in previous years.  Of course, I shared my past experience with the Equinoxes, and put this topic on my list of blog topics to mention.

I write this as a heads-up to women out there to pay attention to any future ‘interferences’ to their menstrual cycle, and before thinking the worst, see if there is a major planetary aspect such as a Solstice or Equinox happening. Equinoxes and Solstices mark important stages of the Sun in reference to the celestial equator, and with the Sun representing our ‘life-force’, pay even more attention if these ‘interferences’ (or ‘divine realignments’, as I have come to know them as) are happening around these times (as follows):

Spring Equinox (March 19th/20th)
Summer Solstice (June 20th/21st)
Fall Equinox (September 22nd/23rd)
Winter Solstice (December 21st/22nd)

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