
Update:  A day after posting this (which was on the Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse, so very much in line with the new emotional resets being seeded), I received a newsletter update from Mas Sajady saying that he has made massive sweeping changes to his Medi-healing program, now making it an 18-day program, rather than 21-day, yet even more powerful.  I guess it wasn’t a coincidence why I waited till now to post about him.  😉

* Note the following is not a paid-advertisement, rather a review from my own personal experience.  ☺️

I have been meaning to write this for quite some time, actually feeling quite remiss for not having done so as one of my first posts.  In my defense, it has been difficult for me to put into words just how much this program has changed my life, even now I feel there is so much to say that it is impossible for me to capture it fully even in this article.

Throughout my awakening journey, I have read tons of books on ascension, listened to countless teachers and guides on YouTube, yet one in particular stands out quite remarkably when it comes to helping me blast through the process…Mas Sajady and his Exponential Intelligence program.

It was back in 2015 that I came across him, while he did a presentation as part of one of Drunvalo’s webinars broadcasted from Sedona, Arizona.  He immediately captured my interest, being able to succinctly and pragmatically explain things I was sensing and experiencing; so much so that I decided to sign up for one of his 21-Day Medihealing programs.

Before I get into it, back at that time, I was 35, struggling to understand why I had gained a little bit of weight that not even my intense workout program was able to get off, my love-life had completely come to a crashing halt and overall I was starting to lose faith in the whole concept of Law of Attraction; even though I had substantial amounts of signs and synchronicities that showed me there was something definitely going on at a ‘bigger picture’ level.

So, in comes Mas Sajady, saying that he is able to work at a ‘frequency-level’ to remove subconscious blocks that hinder you from manifesting what you truly desire and becoming your most authentic self.  His 21-Day Medihealing program was (still is) reasonably priced, especially given that it included 2 daily online meditation sessions, 2 group calls where you could ask ask questions, all sessions were recorded, and you were given a special platform to log-in to in order to keep everything organized.

The best way I can sum up what he does (even though it still blows my mind how he does it) is that he is able to tap into the frequencies of all those in the group, work on you at an energetic level, all while explaining the distortions he is seeing which assist you in making necessary shifts.  (As a sidenote, now as an Astrologer, I can understand it when he said that the groups tend to come with a unifying theme, as quite remarkably I have experienced this with client calls on a given day).

Among the many benefits I received from his 21-Day Medihealing, the extra weight came off within 2 months of finishing the program, my focus and attention to signs and synchronicities became ‘laser-like’, I was better able to push through ‘Dark Nights of the Soul’ at a much rapid pace, my understanding of the ascension process increased exponentially and last but certainly not least, I felt an increased level of awareness to see the toxic situations in my life, and a rising sense of power to release them.  It was at that time he also began his ‘Exponential Intelligence’ podcast which I listened to, almost religiously, as valuable sermons in a way.  They not only come with a wealth of different topics, but so too include complimentary Medihealings on each of those topics.

So much has changed since that time for me, and so too for Mas Sajady.  His program has evolved (although still priced pretty-much the same) and his reach has definitely ‘exponentially expanded’ globally, certainly probably attributed to the word-of-mouth testimonials given by clients like myself.

I definitely recommend this to anyone seeking to take their ‘Ascension Journey’ to new heights.  He often dubs his work as ‘meditation on steroids’, and I can most definitely attest to that.

As one final note, as part of the benefits to all his clients, you get invited to his monthly update calls where he addresses what is going on in the collective and what he sees coming up which are always so spot on, remarkably too with the Astrology.  It has been 5 years now, and I still listen to them each month.

One final final note, his Medi-healing programs typically start on the 1st of each month, running the 21 days after that.

A big shout-out to Mas Sajady and all the work he has done (even charitable work) and continues to do!  Thank you!



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