
When it comes to Astrology, eclipses are a big deal.  Not only do they bring in powerful shifts into our lives (sometimes rather dramatic ones if we need a proverbial kick in the you know what), but so too do their energies affect us over the course of the 6 months after they occur.  If we use the analogy of a story unfolding, then, eclipses would be the Introduction – or the issues to come in; the two months after, the buildup; the midpoint (or 3 months after), the climax; and the remaining two months, the wrap-up of the story.

Some people are more affected than others by a certain eclipse cycle, all based on how it is aspecting their chart, yet everyone is affected by them to some degree or another (pun intended).  By analyzing where and how an eclipse is taking place in reference to a chart, an Astrologer can provide insights to the lessons (or ‘upgrades) the querent will be experiencing over the next 6 months, with each New Moon cycle providing ‘mini-upgrades’ to get them to this point.

Regardless, each eclipse cycle carries a specific message for the collective at large and what will be unfolding over the next 6 months to come; where Solar Eclipses indicate energy coming in, and Lunar Eclipses, things being restructured or taken away.

In the case of the last set of powerful eclipses (Solar Eclipse on December 26th, 2019 and Lunar Eclipse on January 10th, 2020), the ones which had Astrologers in awe for the past few decades, the message was certainly clear that we would be building anew, yet forewarned that structures not built with integrity over the last 35 years would certainly be brought down (…and boy have they).  I have even shocked myself by looking back at what I wrote up for them on my Instagram Feed back then, when looking at what is taking place now.  Astrology is so amazing!

The next Eclipse Season, comprised of 3 eclipses rather than just 2, is just around the corner.  Starting with a Lunar Eclipse at the time of the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 5th, followed by a Solar Eclipse happening on June 21, 2020 with the Cancer New Moon, and the Lunar Eclipse on July 5th, 2020 coming in with the Capricorn Full Moon.

I will be doing a write up soon about what lessons/upgrades they will be bringing, but suffice it to say for now we will be doing a lot of internal emotional work in regards to detaching and healing from the structures that came down in our lives, and really getting down to the bottom of what core values we have as a society (and in our personal lives) in order to one day rebuild again, this time with more integrity.

Best times to get an Astrological Consultation…

  • Around an Eclipse, as they give insights to what will be happening over the next 6 months
  • Around a Birthday, as they give insights to what will be happening over the course of the next year

Fun Facts on Eclipses…

  • Eclipse Season typically happen every 6 months, meaning in a given year, there are normally two Eclipse Seasons which last about a month.
  • Eclipse Seasons usually come with 2 eclipses, a Solar Eclipse (at the New Moon) and a Lunar Eclipse (at the Full Moon) two weeks later, or vice versa.  (The next Eclipse Season coming up in June/July 2020 has 3 eclipses!)
  • Solar Eclipses give insights to what will be coming in, while Lunar Eclipses give insights of what will have to shift to allow space for what is coming in.
  • I was raised and currently live in the Middle East, but didn’t find out until after I started studying Astrology (I am not officially ‘Muslim’, but spiritual enough to know that all religions carry some truth to them) that mosques always do a special prayer at the time of Eclipses.
  • Eclipses don’t always happen at the beginning and middle of the year, such as is the case with this year’s eclipses; they can happen anytime throughout the year.





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