
The Chiron Journey Continues…

Meaning, just as the previous 3 Moon Cycles (Aries, Taurus, and Gemini New Moon cycles), we will continue to excavate deeper blocks and inner wounding, yet this time when it comes to our emotional realm, all part of peeling back the layers to a newly redefined self by October 2nd (the time of the next Solar Eclipse, when we officially move into the next Eclipse Cycle)!

Aaaand finally, we are back to a ‘normal’ Moon cycle, where we have a New Moon in one sign and the Full Moon in the exact opposite.  Since April of 2023, we have had a New Moon in one sign, and the Full Moon in the sign following its exact opposite.  Now I am not going to say this brings in a sense of ‘normal’ to our realities (because that is NOT what the astrological alignments show), but I will say that over this past year, it could have felt like one moon cycle was creating an issue, that then the next moon cycle had us cleaning up…feeling like we were in a continual hamster wheel of ‘one issue after another’.  With us coming back to this more ‘normal’ rhythm, we should have a better sense of closure within each moon cycle going forward.

A Cancer New Moon with a Capricorn Full Moon has us dealing with our Emotional IQ, and by that I mean, our ability to understand and manage our emotions, and in doing so, being able to recognize and be a better influence on the emotions of those around us.

Thoughts create emotions that then impact our view of reality, AS WELL AS what we manifest into reality.  Last month we sharpened up our thinking, and now it is time to focus more on how we manage our emotions, and certainly as part of that, clearing up any unresolved emotions from our past that are cluttering up our proverbial manifestation engines.

And, since we are in an eclipse cycle that is all about Chiron, and Venus is square to Chiron at this Cancer New Moon, we are certainly going to be delving much deeper than usual to excavate ‘those residuals’ (prepare for pasts to surface back up, and ones possibly related to whatever was going on back around April 24th to May 7th (the two weeks following the Scorpio Full Moon – See my post Happy Eclipse Midpoint! Part 1: A Review of the Last 3 Months for more background ).

While we may have had an ‘encounter’ back then, the main focus was about taking the first steps to acknowledge and face our own inner wounding, and in so doing, taking the first steps to redefine ourselves more authentically.  Now its time to provide a better ‘nurturing space’ for ourselves – and that means, establishing healthier inner circles, doing a better job of safeguarding ourselves from people or situations that run OUR old ‘toxic patterning’ (remember, everything is a reflection of what is going on inside of us), AS WELL AS (and this one is key) building a more solid sense of inner emotional resolve (meaning, taking more accountability for NOT ALLOWING others to get our feathers all fluffed up).  In essence, it is time to do differently when it comes to how we manage our emotions, as well as how we attune, connect and decipher to the emotional realm of others.

It’s about learning not to make mountains out of molehills; making better judgement calls when it comes to knowing when to ‘hold them, and when to fold them’, as Kenny Rogers says; knowing what is ours versus what is being projected upon us; so too, taking accountability for how our energy field (our emotions in motion) impacts others as well!  The more we can be attuned to ourselves and our inner world, the better we can intuit and better understand what is going on with others, or better said, building our sense of intuition!

So with that, let’s get into the week-by-week play!

Cancer New Moon Cycle (July 5th-August 3rd)

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(July 5th)     Cancer New Moon

Building on the momentum of passing the point of no return (Midpoint of the Eclipse), a time of emotionally embodying the new potentials we mentally leveled up to.  Not just saying it, but BEING it.  Relationships play a key role in creating the right scenario for us to realize deeper wounding within ourselves. 

That Mental Discipline we leveled-up to last month (hopefully) will be required this week so as not to fall into dramatic displays in search for external validation (Mercury sesquiquadrate Saturn).  With Venus square Chiron at the time of the New Moon, we can surely count on relationships to trigger up any residual wounds from our past…not to punish us, but to surface them up so we can finally heal what needs to be healed.  How we choose to respond will be entirely up to us; whether we choose to fixate on the external, pointing fingers back, seeking the validation of others to justify ‘our side’…OR see it as an opportunity to address wounded parts of ourselves that need to be SELF-validated and recognized, allowing ourselves to delve deeper into our wounds to identify their true source.

In this week, we may see people from our pasts coming back in, or our hearts opening up more so than usual to those presently around us.  This would be the invite drawing people in (all part of the stage being setup for the upcoming Mercury Pre-Shadow….how else are we going to get to deeper parts of our emotional realm?).  However as we wrap up the week and approach the First Quarter Moon, we begin to see all-too-familiar old wounding starting to surface up, highlighting the patterning within us that needs to be addressed and healed.  Relationship dynamics go through a major overhaul with Venus oppose Pluto.

Power versus Force plays a critical role throughout the entirety of this week.  The understanding that the more we try and force or manipulate situations to occur, the more entangled we get.  The more we allow the universe to guide situations, the more we maintain the integrity of dynamics playing out, as well as our connection to source.  This in turn, allows for more awareness, understanding, and a sense of knowing of what to do to come from the experience.

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(July 13th)    First Quarter Moon

A critical juncture which embarks us on a weeks’ long journey of taking action when it comes to addressing our inner wounding and insecurities, making sure they are not fueling decisions we are making.

With situations having come to a head, yet again, another potential for bifurcation in the collective ensues between those operating in that 5D versus those still stuck in 3D.  Can we see the reflection of what these ‘situations’ are trying to show us when it comes to healing what has yet to be healed?  Or are we going to double-down in blaming the external and attempting to make situations fit our expectations? 

The opportunity to ‘do differently’ certainly presents itself with Mars conjunct Uranus, however just as well could have us forcefully bulldozing unconscious expectations, further entangling us into karmic loops and scenarios.  Inner emotional resolve will be tested, and certainly we will need that mental discipline from last month to support us in maintaining this!

This can be a magical time of coming into greater realization and healing of old wounds, or a deluded attempt to gain a false-sense of belonging – all depending on how honest we are with ourselves and our ability to tune into and take into account our emotional realms when making decisions, all in midst of ‘triggery situations’.  Do we first turn into ourselves when faced with unsettled emotions, or do we make a run to the first person that will hear us out?  

One thing for sure, Mercury enters Pre-Shadow this week on July 17th, essentially thickening plots when it comes to getting the answers we seek – whether we look to others for validation, or tune inwards for higher guidance.  We will definitely want to keep a little journal of situations presenting themselves and do our best to do the latter so as to avoid having to retrace so many steps during the retrograde!

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(July 21st)     Capricorn Full Moon

The SECOND of two ‘Restructuring’ Capricorn Full Moons.  A time of breakthroughs into more self-sovereignty or more entanglement.  This one (conjunct Pluto) comes in more decisively and committing than the previous one.

A week of RATHER PROFOUND & DECISIVE breakthroughs as we either step into more self-soverienty of ourselves or fall into more and more entanglement, all depending on how well we have learned to manage our emotional realm, as well as tune into the emotional realm of others.

Quite a lot of potential for flare-ups with Mercury square Uranus, ones that call us to make some decisive split decisions on.  Once again, our ability to tune into our emotional realm and using that disciplined mind will be key, so as to maintain inner emotional resolve. And of course, Mercury continues its journey in its Pre-Shadow phase this week, carefully recording all of our decisions which we will certainly be reviewing during the Retrograde.  With Mercury entering into Virgo this week and starting a gradual slow down for the Retrograde, we will certainly want to be paying attention to our body-mind states, as they hold clues to how we truly feel about the decisions we are making.

And that’s not all, soon after Mercury enters Virgo, Chiron stations Retrograde on July 26th, beginning a 5-month journey of profound inner healing and surely giving us even further clues as to how well we have addressed the deeper wounds we have been guided to diligently work on since the last set of Eclipses back in late March and early April!

Loads of activity for sure this week with Venus sextile Jupiter, and ones where we can easily get swept up and scattered by, or maintain a solid sense of centering with intentions to ‘do differently’ towards a greater sense of self-sovereignty.

Mars just entering Gemini trining Pluto adds to the decisive nature of this Full Moon.  Will we be playing the shallow duplicitous card or allowing synchronicity to guide us to the right situations just at the right time?

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(July 27th)    Last Quarter Moon

Last final tests that test our solidity on values and the courage to uphold them.  The week of  powerful releases of older versions of ourselves, as we harvest in more self-sovereign ones.

Quite a powerful week of ‘release to receive’, especially in the wake of not one but two ‘restructuring’ Capricorn Full Moons.  

As always is the case at the time of a Last Quarter Moon, we are once again presented with ‘triggery’ situations to see if we will cave or ready to proceed with the momentum and make the final deletions of past versions of ourselves. 

With the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Taurus, quite a lot of fixed energy and inner tension, as we are tested on our courage to maintain healthy boundaries and principles, amidst some uneasy situations and circumstances at the start of the week.  

Venus coming into a square with Uranus later on, soon after trining off with Chiron, further solidifies new trajectories. Have we stepped into greater states of solid self-sovereignty or gotten ourselves more entangled?

Mercury slows way down over the course of this week, readying for its Station Retrograde – one that will officially begin just after the Leo New Moon on August 4th.  With this slowdown, our minds begin to slow down too, giving us a chance to take a closer keener look on all that has transpired over the last few weeks now that dust starts to settle from the last Capricorn Full Moon, maybe even connecting dots back all the way back to June 14th (give or take a few days).  

Will we be retracing steps during the Retrograde next month?

Taking it From the Top…a review of the Last 3 Months…

Transitionary Pisces New Moon cycle from Last Eclipse cycle to the Current One

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March 10th Pisces New Moon

A profound call inwards; a time of deep introspection.

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March 25th Libra Full Moon (LUNAR ECLIPSE)

With connections to the March 10th Pisces New Moon, the onset of ‘soft splits in the road; Initiation of bifurcating timelines.

Aries New Moon Cycle (April 8th-May 7th)

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April 8th Aries New Moon (SOLAR ECLIPSE)

A profound period of self-reevaluation; the realization of all-too-familiar wounding and a choicepoint on whether to ‘do differently’ or doubledown on old behaviors.

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April 24th Scorpio Full Moon

Decisive decisions to cut away what no longer serves, or merge ourselves even further in attempts to maintain ‘status quo’.

Taurus New Moon Cycle (May 7th-June 6th)

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May 7th Taurus New Moon

A profound focus on the self, facing old wounding to properly heal and reestablish a renewed sense of self-worth

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May 23rd Gemini Full Moon

The mental rewirings of a newly established sense of self-worth; a time of gradual ‘reengagement’ with the external world.

Gemini New Moon Cycle (June 6th-July 5th)

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June 6th Gemini New Moon

A profound ‘Disciplining of the Mind’ to SLOW DOWN & OBSERVE as we continue the process of ‘reengagement’.  A time of being ‘in between two worlds’ as paradigms begin the process of deconstructing to be reconstructed.

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June 22nd (First of Two) Capricorn Full Moons

Part 1 of two ‘paradigm restructurings’.  A period of transition to be tuned into intuitively, allowing things to flow, while being observantly discerning.

July 2nd… Midpoint of the Eclipse!  Seeds-a-sprouting!

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