
So much to say here, given the year we are in and all the changes that are coming through for us…there truly is no coincidence when it comes to our great grand universe.  Adding, yet more, spice to the all-ready ‘flavor-filled’ skies (Scorpio Full Moon and four planets going retrograde), things get rather interesting as dams holding back information start to break.

The Nodal Axis gives insights to the lessons or ‘themes’ we as a collective are currently undergoing.  It acts like a backdrop to the energies, and sets the tone for all the other transits that are going on.  With a shift from Cancer to Gemini, we are now switching from finding our ’emotional homes’ and exploring what makes us feel nurtured, to a general theme all to do with communication and getting our facts straight.

The North Node now in Gemini, means the South Node is now in Sagittarius (the Nodes are always 180° apart from each other, and astrologically this equates to being in opposite signs – Gemini is the opposite sign of Sagittarius).  I won’t bore you with all the technicalities, but I feel it is important that we go over a basic understanding of these two signs.

Understanding Gemini…
Gemini is all about communication and gathering information.  Its focus is on the immediate surroundings.  In lower vibrational states, Gemini can tend towards gossip, quickly glossing over information and making superficial judgements based on surface-level traits, and scatters its energy by placing more importance on socializing rather than meaningful exchanges of information.  In higher vibrational states, it is the intellectual that gathers information from all perspectives and then makes an informed decision based on what it sees; it places more attention on ‘listening’ rather than ‘talking’; and seeks to find a network of reliable sources around it from which to consistently gather information from.

Understanding Sagittarius
Sagittarius deals with our beliefs and understandings of the ‘greater picture’.  It is the ‘higher octave’ of Gemini in that our beliefs are formed by the information we have gathered.  In lower vibrational states, Sagittarius formulates opinions and beliefs based on information which hasn’t been ‘fact-checked’ first, often falling into the trap of ‘this is how it was told to me, so it must be right’, only to find out later that critical information was overlooked.  In higher vibrational states, Sagittarius consistently tests its beliefs by matching it up to information it gathers from the world around it.

So what does this mean for you?
Well, quite a bit, especially as it relates to understanding the events that will be playing out in the collective at large.  Now that the North Node is in Gemini, we can expect a whole lot of information to start pouring out.  For those that are ‘good’ about making sure their beliefs are backed by facts, this transit should not be so difficult, almost coming in as a relief as more and more people start seeing what they have been saying all along.  For those that aren’t so good about ‘checking the fine print’ though, this could come in as a harsh reality check (quite like waking up one day and realizing the person you have been in a commitment with has had their eyes on someone else for quite some time). As this axis also has quite a lot to do with travel, short-distance versus long-distance travel tends to be more emphasized during this transit.

Putting it in Perspective…
The last time the North Node entered into Gemini was in October of 2001, a month after 9/11; certainly a time many of us were forced to ‘wake up’ to a world that we didn’t realize existed.

On the Upside (because there always is one)…
This is a time where we can make big advancements in regards to how we gather, process and relate information; learn to listen more; focus on our immediate surroundings and communities; and gain a better understanding of the world at large.

Tips to Navigate…
(1) Keep an Open Mind – First and foremost, keep an open mind when it comes to information coming in.  Stay detached emotionally (as much as possible) and take the necessary steps to determine if it is true or false, before making any judgement calls.

(2) Avoid the ‘Blame-Game’  – If you do find out that you misconceived something, it is natural to want to blame someone else for misrepresenting themselves.  While certainly it sucks to find out someone you thought was trustworthy was merely wearing a ‘false-mask’, it gets us nowhere fast to get sucked into finger-pointing, and drains us of our own vital energy.  In all actuality, we are truly just mad at ourselves for allowing ourselves to be duped and not doing our ‘due diligence’.  Having said this, it doesn’t help to berate ourselves either.  Asking ourselves, “What is this trying to teach me”, rather than “Why is this happening to me”, not only helps us move past the disappointment faster, but so too avoid making the same mistake again.

(3) Allow Time to Integrate – Naturally, when information comes in that challenges our belief system, it can feel quite ‘jarring’ to our realities and what we have perceived the world to be.  Giving ourselves time to process it all, with patience and compassion, is superbly important; as well as the understanding that many of us go through stages in our healing process, as explained by the the 5 Steps To Healing (1 – Grief & Denial, 2 – Anger, 3 – Bargaining, 4 – Depression and 5 – Acceptance).

(4) Spend Time with ‘What Is’ – What I mean by this is, sometimes when the world outside seems to be self-destructing, one of the best ways to seek solace and inner balance is to spend time in nature, focus our attention on inanimate things, or anything else that doesn’t pretend to be something it isn’t, as a form of meditation.

(5) Incorporate a Daily Routine – Having a daily routine also helps bring balance back into our lives, most especially if we integrate it with a spiritual practice, such as journaling, meditation and/or self-nurturing.



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