
Up until about two years ago, I would occasionally check my horoscope and read up on what it was to be a Pisces. I knew I was a Leo Rising, but that was about it. I was basically on the same boat as most, that astrology was interesting, but nothing to take to the proverbial bank.

Now, let me set the background before I get into how I actually got into studying astrology, as I feel it is important…

I started having what you can dub a ‘spiritual awakening’ back in 2013. I had been began practicing the law of attraction in 2010, read many a spiritual book (A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer, etc.), started meditating and all that other jazz that comes with seeking out more meaning in life.

Right before my “spiritual awakening” (insert head image of Dr. Evil doing his quoting hand gesture), I had been going through a rough patch if you will. I had a tough time wondering why (armed with all this spiritual knowledge that I had amassed and having successfully applied the Law of Attraction to certain parts of my life) I felt other parts of my life were not yet bearing any fruits. Now, having said this, I had just moved to another country and had eased back on making it a daily routine to apply all the things I had learned…took a breather on all things spiritual things as I was so focused on getting settled into my new environment…that is, until the ‘rough patch’.

Several months after moving things started to settle down and life started becoming routinized and dull to me once again. I started going through depression symptoms, asking all the questions that a good depressant does – “What is the meaning of life?”, “Why am I here?”, “Can we just end it already?”, etc.

Well, needless to say, I didn’t choose to end anything…thankfully. Instead, I decided to get serious about what I learned and delve deeper. I openly set my intention that I was ready to learn more and decided right then and there that I was going to change my scenario by making meditation and law of attraction my daily routine and I started to feel better.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

Fast forward a few weeks later, I met up with an old friend that I hadn’t seen in almost 20 years. (Funny enough, as I was typing the last paragraph a notification popped up in Facebook saying I have memories to look back on with this old friend that I am speaking of now – interesting how the universe works.) Anyway, we met up and surprise, surprise he was also into all things spiritual. Yay! Someone I could talk to about all of this (sidenote: it was proving very hard to find anyone that didn’t throw me some type of “Have you lost your god-damned mind Lyra?” looks if I brought up the topic).

One night, this friend out of the blue asked me, “Lyra, if you allow me, I will teach you”. I remember thinking in the back of my head “Um, excusé moi? I already know ALL that there is to know and who are you to be telling me I need to be taught?” (Haha…I laugh just thinking about it now.) Anyway, let’s just say, because he was a friend, and the only one I had really to talk about this stuff with, I said ok, let’s see what he’s got.

I won’t go into details right now about what ensued over the next three months and further to the present time, as that is another post all on its own, but suffice it to say, initially with the guidance of my friend and then on my own, I started breaking down emotional subconscious ‘baggage’ I had been carrying over the course of my life. The more I noticed and released the conveyor belt of junk, the more I started tapping into a new reality filled with synchronicities and a heightened sense of intuition.

For those I haven’t put to sleep yet, I will now get into the topic of this article…astrology. About two years ago, my sister (who was way more into astrology than I was at the time), introduced me to an astrologer Kaypacha, found under the name of New Paradigm Astrology on YouTube, and I was immediately hooked.

It had been awhile that I had started noticing ‘energies’ (a side effect of spending more time in solitude, learning how to listen more and pay attention to the synchronicities that were playing on around me) without really understanding why or where it came from. And bam! This guy was nailing exactly what I was noticing around me. At that time, it was December of 2016. I had been seeing this guy for about 2 years and we were having some issues and added tension between us. In the smoking’s corner at work (one of the best ‘energy noticing laboratories’ – if you listen and pay attention), that same week, I kept hearing of people who were either experiencing hardships in their relationships (both romantic and platonic) and/or of people they knew. And again, in that same week, close friends of mine were reporting the same. It was as if my guides were saying to each other “Let’s have some fun with her this week…Ha ha ha!”

So……after several months of listening to Kaypacha’s weekly energy report and exploring other astrologers, Leo King (another astrologer I highly recommend for his down-to-earth approach to astrology and guidance) announced his new astrology course over the summer and I decided to learn it for myself, and I haven’t looked back since.

Astrology is so much more than what most of us have interpreted it to be (‘hit or miss’ newspaper daily horoscopes, grouping people into 1 of 12 signs and calling it a day, etc.). Nope, it is way way much more than that. When astrologers read your chart, there are upwards of 12 basic elements (mostly planets) they look at and how they were placed in the sky at the time of your birth – each person has their own unique chart. And that is just your natal chart reading, which gives you a blueprint, if you will, of who you are. So, for example, while my Sun sign is Pisces, my Moon is in Virgo, Venus in Aries, Pluto in Libra…and so on and so on. It took me 9 months to complete the entire self-paced course on my own, and for those that know what a nerd I can be when it comes to learning things, that should say something about the intricacies of astrology.

In the end though, it is just a tool to maneuver through life and delving into the deeper meanings of life, but one I find truly fascinating.

I have always been a Math/Science person, and in fact, before choosing to major in Business Marketing, was a Civil Engineering major, which requires quite a bit of analytical reasoning and many hours of lab write-ups of thoroughly backing up and proving your research finding. So, I am not one to be easily convinced to ‘drink the Kool-Aid’ (although I know my friends who read this might be laughing to themselves right now saying “But I have seen you quite a number of times Lyra be one of the last people at the bar ordering drinks”).

Point is, astrology is super fascinating and a science – yes, I went there – that has been around for more than 2,000 years (just had to google it), which was previously coupled with astronomy (a legitimate science to most). [A big thank you goes out to both my father and mother. My father who introduced me at a young age to Astronomy by having me look through a telescope to view the constellation of Lyra as a little girl, to understand where my name came from. And my mother who taught me to be open to esoteric concepts out there. I love you both.] If we can fathom the idea that the moon (the smallest planetary element in a natal chart) alone affects woman’s bodies, is responsible for the tides to ebb and flow and other strange occurrences during its different phases, then its safe to say that we are also somehow energetically affected by the other planets in our solar system.

I will wrap this up and now repost (in the comments under this post) the ‘memory’ that Facebook just notified me of while writing this excerpt of my friend and teacher who shared a video with me back in 2013 of Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden, two renowned scientists who delve into quantum physics and recognize the legitimacy of astrology. Isn’t it interesting how the universe works?

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