
When experiencing difficult transits it can be tough to stay in the present moment in order to see the bigger picture playing out. One of my ‘tried and true’ practices to stay centered is practicing gratitude for all that I currently have so that I can remain detached and impartial to outcome – thus allowing me to make more grounded decisions based of a truer, more authentic version of myself.

Years ago, I was taught by a friend to try writing out or mentally listing in my head 33 things I am grateful for, and I have rigidly stuck to this practice. While the number may seem daunting at first, I found that it became easier and easier to do. Not only did it have me spend a little more time in the present moment, but choosing a ‘bigger’ number brings out more reasons to shift in frequency (and of course the number 33 is a Master Number, helping one realign with the idea that all things are possible).

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