

FLOW with the natural energies, rather than work against them.

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    Daily Telegram Updates

    Get updates to the energies as they come up, links to inspirational videos to keep you motivated, as well as a way to stay connected and comment in.

    Access to Protocols Page

    Get access to tips and tricks, as well as resources that I have picked up along the way.  This is a page I intend to continually add information to.

    Breakdown of Monthly Transits

    An extensive list (released at each New Moon along with the Month Ahead Report) of all the transits, broken down by week, we will be experiencing over the month ahead to follow along with (Great if you are wanting to learn Astrology!)

    Moon Transit Notification File

    Synch your personal digital calendar with the Moon transits and get notified each time the Moon switches signs (approximately every 2.5 days). In any given monthly Moon cycle, the Moon passes through each sign of the zodiac, bringing in different tones to our emotional states (why one day we can be feeling more ’emo’ and the next fired up!). A great way to feel into each of the different zodiac signs, but also to attune our intuition.

    Synchronicity Log and Eclipse Calendar

    Track what transpires throughout the Moon cycle and be surprised at the synchronistic nature of reality as well as your progress through each moon cycle.  Also an Eclipse Calendar to help keep track of major happenings throughout the 6-month cycle.

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