Photo Credit: Marcus Dall Col (Unsplash: @marcusdallcol) A little mindfulness goes a long way to having us paying a lot more attention to the moon cycle every month! So here goes… A moon cycle takes one month (also known as a ‘moonth’) as it...
Photo Credit: Julia Caesar (@juliacaesar Of course, I think it is common knowledge that menstrual cycles are a monthly phenomenon, very much coinciding with the monthly moon cycle. Throughout my ‘menstrual-having’ life, I have typically been...
(Note: Mars glyph normally points to the right, but having a little bit of fun, I chose to point it in the other direction for the Retrograde) ☺️ Mars enters its Pre-Shadow (aka Pre-Retrograde) phase on July 25th which will go until September 10th, when it officially...
Photo Credit: Daniel Schludi ( @schluditsch) I decided to group these two planetary retrogrades together, as they not only work quite ‘hand-in-hand’ together, but also because their retrograde periods coincide quite closely. Both planets (like...