
Photo Credit:  @kimberlyeschenbauchphotography (Unsplash)

Eclipses in a nutshell, mark the end of one six-month chapter and the beginning of another; in this case, we are closing out the Summer of 2020 Eclipses and beginning a new chapter that will last until May of 2021.  It is around the time of a set of eclipses that we see some pivotal shifts taking place in our lives, almost like the backdrop of our ‘personal stages’ are being shifted.  For more detailed information on eclipses, please see my article “A Deeper Look Into Eclipses & What They Mean”.

I think we can confidently say that 2020 and the eclipses that came in with it fulfilled their promises of bringing significant structural change into our lives; yet it isn’t closing its chapters without having one last thing to say to us.  On November 30th and December 14th, we have the last two eclipses coming in, a Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and a Sagittarius New Moon Total Eclipse, providing us with a roadmap into 2021.

So, what are these eclipses telling us about 2021?

Expect increased confusion and uncertainty.  Incorporate spiritual practices that boost inspiration and intuition.

First and foremost, they do seem to indicate a whole lot of confusion and uncertainty, even moreso than there has been, each calling us to go within and spiritually-fortify (even harder) in order to intuitively be guided through it all.  This is because Neptune will be in a direct square to the Nodal Axis (the marker between where we came from and where we are headed).  While Neptune is the ruler of dreams, miracles, intuition, imagination, creativity and the concept of ‘if you can believe it, it will manifest’; so too does it rule fears, confused mental states, sickness, addictions and uncertainty.  In order to anchor in the ‘higher states’ of Neptune, it is important to stay grounded, keep a daily ritual of faith-building practices, and have a solid understanding that fear is just “False Evidence Appearing Real”.  We must know that this is a time of transition, and not allow ourselves to get sucked into fear-based states.

Get smart about resources, stock up on needed supplies and always remember ‘you attract your vibration’.

Another strong indication pointed out on the charts, is the need to be more creative about how we utilize what we have and coming up with inventive ways to extend the ‘shelf-life’ of our resources.  The North Node will be at 19°Gemini and South Node at 19°Sagittarius, with their respective Sabian Symbol messages of “Assimilation of multifarious knowledge through the synthesizing power of the mind.” and “The foresighted use of natural resources to supply future needs.”.  Not only will there be a need to be more responsible for what we use and how we use it, but so too must we keep in mind the concept (again) of being able to apply spiritual principles to embody ‘mind over matter’ understandings, which help us intuitively navigate towards the right people, places and situations that will help us resource-wise.  This too can be seen with Mercury in sextile to Saturn and Jupiter at the Gemini Lunar Eclipse, and then Venus reaching the same spot, also making the same aspect to Saturn and Jupiter, at the time of the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse.

Listen more and get proactive about sorting fact from fiction; do your OWN research before making claims.

Yet another lesson they are bringing is that of needing to change the way we go about getting information and using our cognitive skills, learning to be more ‘hands-on’ in our approach to things.  Lunar Eclipses say we need to change something, and in Gemini all about how we build our perception and express it outwardly.  It won’t be enough to just blindly trust external sources of information (whether our trusted news channel, YouTube, or what our friends tell us) to get our information.  We must take the initiative to do our own research, listen to different perspectives, allow countering thoughts in to truly weigh out the solidity of our beliefs, connect our own dots and only then can we be certain of how strong our perception of reality truly is.  Emphasizing our listening skills, rather than our talking skills, key.

Keep an open mind, be ready for new adventures and new beliefs on how things ‘should be’.

While the Gemini Lunar Eclipse talks about things we will need to change about ourselves, the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse is all about what is coming in, and I must say it is quite exciting, if we keep an open mind, expand our horizon of what is possible, and are ready for new adventures (essentially what the Scorpio New Moon cycle that contains the first eclipse – the Gemini Lunar Eclipse – is preparing us for).

Sagittarius rules long-distance travel, education, higher learning, philosophy, religion, spirituality, and intuition, Of course, it also carries its downsides.  It can have a superiority complex about its knowledge and beliefs about how things should be, as well as a tendency to believe in something before double-checking its facts.

With a New Moon in this sign, we are getting a blast of energy upgrades in regards to Sagittarian lessons (especially that the ruler of the Gemini Lunar Eclipse, Mercury, will be right along side it).  Staying on the topic of the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse though, the ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter and in both eclipses, it is inching ever closer to Saturn, getting ready for its ‘Grand Conjunction’ (the term used by astrologers when Jupiter meets up with Saturn every 19-20 years) which will be happening on December 21st.  What all this translates to is that this transit indicates a ‘changing of the guards’ or a ‘breakdown’ of old barriers as we expand into new horizons.

In Summary…

We will have experienced a total of 7 eclipses by the time that 2020 is over.

The first two came at the beginning of the year, and called for a whole new era in regards to how we structure our personal lives and society as a collective, meaning that the old system would have to be brought down in order to be restructured to a new one.  And, regardless if the coronavirus is true or false, I think we can all certainly agree that we have had quite a ‘restructuring’ in 2020, both in our personal lives and the collective at large.

The second set of eclipses, this time 3 of them total, came during the summer, and called for a ‘reset’ to our emotional foundations, how we self-nurture and create more supportive environments around us (dubbed as a new ‘heart plan’ in my Instagram posts) to best support us with all these structural shifts taken place in our lives.  As part of these eclipses, we also had to come into greater awareness that our old belief systems were going to have to shift as well, many of us having to sever ties, and come into greater acceptance with the fact that ‘things were just not going to be going back to the way they used to be’.

And finally, as we get ready to close out this ‘Great Year of 2020’ we now have the last and final two eclipses ahead of us, essentially lighting up the road into 2021 ahead of us (remember, eclipse energies span a total of 6 months) and letting us know that we are embarking on a whole new adventure in our lives, yet it will require us to ‘mentally adjust’ in order to truly take in the bigger picture of it all; kind of like in a ‘wake up and smell the coffee of a new dawn’ kind of way.  As part of this ‘mental adjustment’, we will be hit with quite a bit of misinformation and uncertainty to contend with, calling each one of us to use our own critical thinking and listening skills to get down to our own personal truth of the matter at hand, and figure out the best way forward and who/what best to align to.  Afterall, the Scorpio New Moon will be introducing this next eclipse season, as such, there will be quite a bit in the way of deciphering fact from fiction when it comes to our relationship and money-dynamics over the next 6 months, and what will be going with us on the new adventure forward.  Last, but certainly not least, it will be critical to incorporate a daily ritual that keeps our bodies, hearts and minds uplifted and inspired (especially during tough and uncertain times) and focused on the opportunities that this new adventure has in store for us.


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