
The Taurus New Moon of every year has us redefining our values.  Couple that with the Venus Retrograde which is all to do with values being redefined (Taurus is ruled by Venus), this is doubly the case and adds spice to this year’s Pluto, Saturn & Jupiter retrogrades set to begin during this moon cycle.

Clearing up a misconception of retrogrades…
Before I get into what this means, I want to clear up a misconception about retrogrades, which often get a bad rap.  It is important to understand that retrogrades are all part of a natural cycle of ‘ebb and flow’; they are periods of time for us to go within and purify parts of ourselves so that we can come out stronger (much like regular ‘tune-ups’ we do with our cars, yet this more to do with our energetic and emotional bodies).

No coincidences…
Another important thing to keep in mind, we want to pay particular attention to what is taking place in our lives when a retrograde begins as it provides clues to what we will be ‘tuning up’, and will definitely coincide with what takes place in our lives when it goes direct.  Keeping a journal or making a mental note helps us attune to the mysterious, yet beautiful, organization of how our universe works (not to mention, awareness of a much bigger plan at play).  With that being said, here is what you need to know about these retrogrades…

Pluto Retrograde (April 25th to October 24th): Behind the Mass Awakenings
Last Pluto Retrograde: April 24th to October 3rd, 2019
Pluto goes retrograde during the first week of the Taurus New Moon, and will be bringing in a powerful push of energy to help us make a commitment to a new path in our lives. Pluto is all about powerful transformative change; ‘the deep-down, getting-to-the-bottom-of-our-soul’ type of change, and certainly many of us have been experiencing some level of this over the last few months.

Now with Pluto going retrograde, we get a chance to internally ‘catch up’ with all that we have witnessed and deeply integrate it.  We do this by making a commitment to a new path, given the new terrain we are in, and one that will take us into a journey of self-discovery over the next 5 months, surely to bring about higher awareness to what we came here to do, once Pluto stations direct on October 24th.  Pay attention to what comes up around the time of April 25th.  Note what it is you are committing to, as this will serve as the over-arching theme for what you will be deeply focusing on over the next 5 months.

Saturn Retrograde (May 11th to September 29th): Restructuring
Last Saturn Retrograde: April 29th to September 18th, 2019
Saturn is all about structures and how we keep things organized in our lives.  At a collective level, it governs the way we structure our governments, businesses, and systems of authority; in our personal lives, how we structure our day, our homes, our families, as well as our time.

During its retrograde, we often see setbacks or restrictions appear on things we have been working towards, and while this can be frustrating, we often find by the end of its retrograde that they were ‘blessings in disguise’ which helped us make doubly sure that whatever it is we were working on was not being built on ‘faulty’ foundations. Pay attention to what seems to come to a crashing halt around the time of its retrograde on May 11th; rather than fret about it, know that it is all there to help you build more solidly in the long-run.

I do want to mention that both Saturn and Pluto are largely responsible for the structures we see coming down at this time (ie. economically, politically, in our personal lives, etc.)  This is because they had their great ‘once-every-35-year’ meetup in the sky around the time of the very powerful Lunar Eclipse on January 10th, which basically promised to bring down those structures which were not built with integrity.  Now that these two planets are going retrograde, we get a chance to let the proverbial dust settle, so that by the time they go direct in the fall, we know better how to build going forward.

Jupiter Retrograde (May 14th to September 13th): Revamping Spiritually
Last Jupiter Retrograde: April 10th to August 11th, 2019
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, exploring, and taking risks, so naturally when it goes retrograde we tend to internalize these qualities and do this more through inner soul-searching.  Certainly, its retrograde around the same time of both the Pluto and Saturn retrogrades, help us out by stopping us from venturing into territory without fully taking in the landscape.  When it goes direct in September, it helps us gradually build up the momentum to get things moving again, once we have processed all that we needed to.

In Summary & how these relates to all the exciting energy coming through in Taurus Season…
If you follow my post on Instagram, you would see that I am particularly positive about the Taurus New Moon, and while it could seem that there isn’t a lot of ‘positivity’ happening around us at first glance, seeing it from a deeper perspective there most certainly is.  Taurus Season is about getting clear on what we value, yet with a Venus Retrograde in Gemini right after a Jupiter/Pluto meetup, we are about to get hit with a crateful of information we previously did not have before.  This new information will have us deeply question what it is we once deemed valuable to us and call us to make radical change in our lives to better align with what we truly feel in our hearts, bringing new meaning to our lives.  Quite positive, if you ask me!  And….these retrogrades are there to help us make that transition.

Photo Credit: Daniel Olah on Unsplash.com

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